New Notification
The tSNE algorithm computes two new derived parameters from a user-defined selection of cytometric parameters. These tSNE-generated parameters are optimized in such a way that data points that were close together in the raw high-dimensional data remain close together in the reduced data space.
Aug 03, 2017 | Flow Cytometry , scRNA-Seq
Measuring the fluorescence intensity of cells and particles is routine and the basis of the vast majority of inquiry in flow cytometry. Considering that fluorescence intensity is correlated with molecules on the surface of the cell, can the relationship between the two be quantified? If so, how can we use that relationship to calculate the number of molecules on the surface of a cell in a given experiment?
Aug 03, 2017 | Flow Cytometry
The Compensation Wizard in FlowJo is one of the most frequently used platforms, and by extension potentially the greatest source of confusion on a per-cytometrist basis.
Aug 02, 2017 | Flow Cytometry